Consumer Behaviour of “Young Adults” as a Determinant of the Development of Product Innovation

Consumer Behaviour of “Young Adults” as a Determinant of the Development of Product Innovation



Consumer Behaviour of “Young Adults” as a Determinant of the Development of Product Innovation


Anna Szwajlik

Classification JEL

M31, D12, D40.


Consumption patterns and related consumer behaviour are changing alongside the development of globalization and computerization processes. These changes force companies to take special care of their own innovativeness. The aim of this article is to present changes in the consumer behaviour of the “young adults” generation and the consequences that may arise as a result of these changes for the development of innovative products. In order to achieve the assumed research objective, quantitative research was carried out, using a questionnaire survey conducted on a sample of young people aged 18-29, referred to in Poland as a generation of “young adults”. The analysis of the research was carried out in two stages. The first one presented the frequency distribution of selected answers, while the second stage analysed the correlation of the innovation degree of “young adults” with the most common indicated types of purchasing behaviour. Research results indicated that the consumer behaviour of “young adults” is to a large extent determined by technology this generation grew up with. In particular, the use of online tools, including social media, is closely related to the way of acquiring innovative products. The specificity of “young adults” behaviour described in the research indicated that companies that intend to develop innovative products should especially take into account the new way of communication, perception of product value and motives for consumer behaviour when designing and developing innovative products.


Consumer behaviour, Millenials, Innovation.

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