Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations Affecting Information Systems Continuance Intention in Mobile Applications with Gamified Features

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations Affecting Information Systems Continuance Intention in Mobile Applications with Gamified Features



Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations Affecting Information Systems Continuance Intention in Mobile Applications with Gamified Features



Classification JEL



This paper examines individuals’ psychological motivations that affect one’s intention to continue using information systems. Information systems continuance model establishes the theoretical basis for this study and gamified mobile applications have been used as the type of information systems. This research draws attention to several different extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors that influence post-adoption behavior of individuals using mobile applications with gamified features. Literature review in this study states the concepts related to post-adoption in a gamified mobile application context and as result, four different motivators have been found which are predicted to influence them. These are; Rewards and Reputation as extrinsic motivators, Social Presence and Perceived Enjoyment as intrinsic motivators. Further research will be conducted in the future to formulate hypotheses related to the constructs explained in this study and the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators will be investigated empirically to gain a better understanding in this respect.


Extrinsic motivations, intrinsic motivations, information systems continuance, mobile applications, gamification.

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