Controversy, and Ethical Challenges: ChatGPT and Its Impact on Customer Experience and Marketing. A Study of Professionals’ Perception towards this Emerging Trend

Controversy, and Ethical Challenges: ChatGPT and Its Impact on Customer Experience and Marketing. A Study of Professionals’ Perception towards this Emerging Trend



Controversy, and Ethical Challenges: ChatGPT and Its Impact on Customer Experience and Marketing. A Study of Professionals’ Perception towards this Emerging Trend


Iasmina-Iulia GRĂDINESCU, Elena GOGA, Mihai PRELIPCEAN, Cristian GHEORGHE, Olguța Anca ORZAN

Classification JEL

M30, M31.


ChatGPT is perceived to have a significant impact on customer experience and marketing. Hence, this paper aims to explore the ethical perspective of ChatGPT and subsequently its effect on the marketing activities through the eyes of marketing professionals. ChatGPT’s ability to provide personalized support, analyses customer data, and improve customer experience has helped companies to boost their marketing efforts. As technology continues to advance, this tool will continue to play an important role in improving both customer experience and marketing. While ChatGPT is a remarkable technological achievement, its use raises important ethical implications that must be addressed (e.g., misinformation, risky content, biases and discriminatory attitudes, impersonation or phishing). As an Artificial Intelligence engine, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way in which communication is conducted. Therefore, addressing the ethical concerns will help to ensure that its usage is done in a responsible and righteous manner.


ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Ethics, Marketing.

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